
Kids Dentistry

Early access to dental care can help your child enjoy strong teeth well into adulthood. Waiting until your son or daughter has a toothache can make it stressful to find the best family dentist.

Your child can enjoy comprehensive care that eliminates dental diseases early, reduces the number of trips they need to the dentist later on, and decreases the amount that you spend on dental care.

Professional fluoride treatments for your kids after cleaning can help their teeth be resistant to cavity-causing acids. It also remineralizes weak enamel that may be on its way to decalcifying.

Dental Sealants
Dental sealants can help children and adults alike maintain excellent oral health by providing a barrier between the teeth and cavity-causing bacteria. Our Briggs Chaney Family Dental Care dentist is happy to provide undetectable dental sealants for long-lasting protection and peace of mind.

A sealant is a preventive dental treatment that our dentist may recommend to protect your teeth from decay. A dental sealant is made of a clear or tooth-colored resin material, which is painted onto the chewing surface of the tooth. By blocking out the bacteria and food debris that lead to tooth decay, the sealant prevents decay and cavities. The dental sealant forms a smooth surface over the natural pits and grooves of the tooth surface, which also makes it easier to effectively clean your teeth with normal brushing.

Dental sealants are most often recommended for children; our dentist frequently recommends sealants for the permanent molars as soon as they come in, which is usually between the ages of 6 and 12 years. We may also recommend dental sealants for adult patients whose teeth are prone to decay or for teeth that have not been restored or suffered from decay in the past. We can apply dental sealants in just one short, comfortable visit to our practice. Sealants can be a powerful tool in preventing decay and keeping your smile healthy. To learn more about dental sealants and how we can keep your smile in good health.

Some of the services that we offer kids at Briggs Chaney Family Dental Care include:

Please visit us Briggs Chaney Family Dental Care, Silver Spring, MD and set an appointment for a free no cost dental implant consultation. Call us at 301-890-8005 to asses if you are a candidate for a dental implant procedure.

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We look forward to meeting you. Call 301-232-3996 to speak to us directly, or request an appointment online to set up your first visit. We’ll be in touch soon.

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